OUR BREWERY is a 18HL 2 vessel direct fire brewhouse with 4 "single" 20HL fermenter and 4 "double" 40 HL fermenter we do single infusion mashes and 90 minute boils to ensure full boil off and cleanliness of our beers. We transfer to the fermenters through a 2 stage cold water and glycol heat exchanger to help cool our wort to the appropriate temperature for when we pitch our yeast. We produce our ales in 18-20 days and our lagers in 35- 40 days. Using barley from the Hilton family farm ensure the highest quality ingredients allowing us the create the ultimate grain to glass beers for everyone to enjoy!
Milling is the first step of brewing process that consists of cracking the Malt kernels into smaller particles. The grain is milled to break up the kernels and release the starches. This allows the starch in the grain to convert to sugar.
After the malt particles are transferred into the kettle, it is mixed with water and steeped. This allows the starches to convert to simple sugars. After this is steeped for 1 hour the grain and water becomes what is called mash. We then recirculate our wort which is the liquid produced from the mash. After about 15 mins we transfer the wort liquid to the boil kettle, this process is referred to as lautering. The spent grain (mash) is disregarded to compost or local cattle farmers for feed.
After the wort is separated from the mash and transfer into the boil kettle, hops are added to the liquid for bitterness and flavor. This mixture will sit for 90 minutes. When the wort and hops have boiled extracting the unique aroma and taste of the flower of the Humulus Lupulus plant, the whirlpooling process begins. This separates the hop partials from the wort once again. The next step is called cast out which includes cooling the liquid wort and transferring it into the fermenter.
The fermentation of Origin beer is where the yeast is added to the liquid to allow the anaerobic process to happen. In this stage, glucose is broken down and carbonation forms in the liquid. We stick to four different styles of yeast to stay true to the Origin of the beer we are creating. Our brewers will also add fruit to our flavored beers and dry hops to IPAs in the fermentation vessel. The next step is to cold crash the beer which consist of lowering the fermented liquid by 1 degree and allowing any settlement to sink to the bottom of the vessel.
The final process is to keg and can our specialty beers for everyone to enjoy!